TIRZ #3 Traffic & Planning Analysis

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The reinvention of downtown Corpus Christi and the greater Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #3 area into a walkable and connected neighborhood through key infrastructure investments sets the stage contextualizing the recommended infrastructure projects within a realistic future for greater Downtown. Gateway Planning and team members Kimley Horn and RCLCO were retained by the City to craft this roadmap and bring together the planning and transportation initiatives for its future. This report sets forth development potential and infrastructure investment in downtown over the next 10 or more years.

The reinvention of downtown Corpus Christi and the greater Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #3 area into a walkable and connected neighborhood through key infrastructure investments sets the stage contextualizing the recommended infrastructure projects within a realistic future for greater Downtown. Gateway Planning and team members Kimley Horn and RCLCO were retained by the City to craft this roadmap and bring together the planning and transportation initiatives for its future. This report sets forth development potential and infrastructure investment in downtown over the next 10 or more years.